We introduce to your attention the final adoption of thre conference Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict: main obstacles and settlement perpesctives. Review of Armenia and Azerbaijan and the representatives of social society in Baku, on November 8-9,2016
To the president of the republic of Armenia mr. Serzh Sargsyan
To the people of Armenia
To the presitent of the republic of Azerbaijan mr. Ilham Aliyev
To the people of Azerbaijan
November 8,2016, baku
We representatives of Armenian and Azerbaijani people today have came together with aim of discussing the main obstacles and ways of resolution of Armenia-azerbaijan nagarno-karabakh coconflict which remains unresolved for more than 25 years . the conflict led to death of tens thousands of our citizens and caused for hundrends of thousands of people to become IDPs and refugees.therefore,considering it as aur obligation we are making this appeal to you.
After the collapse of the soviet union Armenia and Azerbaijan exercising their right to self-determination have become independent states. However, the civil interstatereletion based on the principles of the international law and the halsinki final act,which is commonly accepted in europa,failed to prevail in the region of south Caucasus. The consecuences of the bloody conflict between the two states still continue to prevent the astablishment of the sustainable peace and stabstability in the region. It is impossible to express all horrors of war by only providng sheer statistics of moral and material damages inflicted upon to both countries regardless of ethcinity, age and sex by the flame of the conflict during the last dacades. Nowadays, trenches and mined areas inherent to the scenario of II world war lie along the line of contact of armed forces and the internationally recognized borders of both contries. Young Armenian and azebaijani soldiers in the trenches see each other though the optic scopes of sniper sifles.perseption of new generations growing in both counries abaut one anather are only shaped by the realities of war and hardships that it brings abaut. The april events once again demonstrated theat the resumption of war cauld lead to the catastrophic consequences. Unlike the 90s, further development of both contries’ military arsenal and ascension of the military threats to the level of ballistic missiles heralds abaut the horrifying extent of the risks of wor. Otherwise, all the resources spent for military purposes could have been used for the welfare and prosperity of two nations
Armenian and Azerbaijani people are tired of this conflict and do not want to face new losses over and over again. It is so naïve to believe that apart from Armenian and Azerbaijani people someone else will be able to solve the conflict. Bearing in mind these, we call:
-to demostrat wisdom and courage, not allow falling victim of the past; and look into the future and make lessons learned from the severe consequences of the conflict;
– to accelerate the substantive and result-oriented talks and put an and to the imitation of negotiations. The immediate resolution of the conflict will give impetus to the economic development of not only nagargo-karabakh region, but also Armenia and the region as a whole, and will contribute to the peace and coopration between two contries. In this case, there will be no winners or losers , and it will only create win-win situation both for the people of Armenia and people Azerbaijan.
-to change the current status-quo. It is considered unacceptable and un-sustainably by the heads of state of the OSCE minsk group co-chairs;
-to eliminate the fact of accupation, which forms the fundamental basis of the current status-quo and ansure the withdrawal of the troops;
-to ensure a safe and dignified return of the IDPs to their native lands;
-to underdtand ththet today, Azerbaijan is a tolerant, multicultural and developing country, where 30 thausand citizens of Armenian ethnicity live in an free and independent environment and althougt the conflict they have never become the subject of discrimination. There are not any obstacles for Azerbaijani and Armenian communities to live again in safety and peace in nagargo karabakh region of Azerbaijan. Therefore, ungrounded racist views on incompatibility of Armenians and Azerbaijanis and inability of both nations for peaceful coexistence should firmly be rejected;
– To consider seriously an potention compromise deal the recelt proposal on establishment nagargo-karabakh automaus republic within the boundaries Azerbaijan where all rights,es well as security of armeanian and Azerbaijani communities will be guaranteed;
-TO establish civil relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan besed on the resolutions and decisions of the united natons,osce,council of Europe and other intenational organizations,especially the resolutions of the UN Security Council and deriving from with the norms and principles of internatonal law, provisions of the Helsinki Final Act, particularly he principles of respecting to ech other’s sovereignty, territorial intergrity and inviolability of the internationally recognized borders;
-Farther use of this platform for the puposes of continuning the dialogue of civil societies aimed at contributing to the resolution of conflict.
On behalt of conference participants from Armenian side
- Vage Aventian-Human Rights Defender;
- vaan Martiosian- chairman of Public Organization “National Liberation Movement”
- Susan Djaginian – journalist, Vice-President of human rights non-governmental organization “Meridian”
On behalf of conference participants from Azerbaijani side
- Rovshan Rzayev – Member of Azerbaijani Community of Nagorno-Karabakh
- Kamil Samilov- Professor of Baku State University
- Shalala Hasanova- Chairwoman of Publici Union “ Support for the Developmentof Communication with Public”