მთავარი ვიდეორეპორტაჟი საზოგადოება ‘’DI NO A LA RADICALIZACION’’




Erasmus+ youth exchange called ‘’DI NO A LA RADICALIZATION’’ took place in the city of Kobuleti, Georgia from 11 to 20 May. For this project, 36 participants from 6 different countries (Italy, Georgia, Spain, Greece, Romania, and Armenia) gathered together to gain knowledge regarding extreme ideologies such as polarization, exclusion, injustice, etc. In order to achieve the objectives of youth exchange, the team was a plethora of activities, energizers, and conversations. Alongside meeting the goals of the project, participants got the opportunity to know about others’ cultures, traditions, and cuisine through cultural evenings. The latter consisted of national dances of distinct countries as well as tasting local dishes and learning about every aspect of each country.  We had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people from different countries, also in the free time that we passed in the city of Batumi

One thing that must be noted is that the team was very flexible and inclusive. The activities were not only in formal settings such as in a conference room but also outside – on the beach. On the 5th day, the participants went on a trip to Batumi, where they got to learn about the host country – Georgia through active participation in tasks. For example: taking pictures of famous historic monuments, and learning traditional dances and the Georgian alphabet.

Besides a trip to Batumi, the team also got to visit another famous landmark in Georgia, Shekvetili – the majestic musical park full of statues of well-known artists from around the world. In addition, next to every statue, there was a speaker with viral songs.

Some participants shared how they feel about the youth exchange:

‘’Before the project, I was socially awkward. My English was not good. Today, I can say that I improved my English and social skills. I can’t wait for the next Erasmus+ project. And Georgia, thanks for the time of my life’’.

#erasmusplus #youthexchange #YouthCenterofGeorgia #YCG #SonrieaEuropa #CreativeYouth #PatrasYouthClub #AssociazioneCulturaleMastronauta #ASOCIATIADETINERET #YOUTHONTHEMOVE