მთავარი სტატიები YE “Green for youth”

YE “Green for youth”


The “Green for Youth” Youth Exchange was an initiative that aimed to empower Young people(13-17 years old) to become environmentally conscious and take actions to protect the planet. Youth Exchange “Green for youth: brought together young people from different countries: Malta, Georgia, Spain, Armenia, Slovenia and Greece. During the youth exchange, participants engaged in activities, which was designed to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable living. Participants planted flowers, cleaned the beach, built terrariums, visited the National park of Kobuleti and participated in a photovoice exhibition to highlight the impact of human activities on the environment. Youth also engaged in meditation and yoga, which wasn’t only to promote mindfulness and well-being but also to help them to connect with nature. Participants learned about the causes and consequences of environmental degradation, as well as the importance of individual and group actions. Through group discussions, eco-friendly challenges and interactive workshops, participants broadened their knowledge and skills to become active citizens of change in their communities.Young people also learned about the importance of reducing waste, conserving energy, and adopting eco-friendly practices. Youth Exchange created space for participants to share their experiences, perspectives, and ideas in order to be the change that they would like to see in the world.


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